Moms mental health matters

Moms mental health matters

Moms Mental Health

It’s been a long time grasshopper! You haven’t put your fingers on a keyboard to write in such a long time. This is surprising however not so surprising at the same time because so many things have happened since you last wrote about your life. So let’s see.. Where should I start.

If you do not follow me on Instagram and youtube, then you would not know that two years ago Renardo and I have split ways. The girls and I moved back in with my family in South Florida and since then it has been an up and down roller coaster because it is just me as the full-time parent. Of course, I knew it would be hard to be the full-time parent with two girls but I had confidence that I could handle it. But I shortly realized that I needed help, more help then I could allow myself to ask from my family. Obviously not speaking, and saying what you need while feeling like your drowning can cause your mental health to just spiral. Which is exactly what happened to me, I woke up and something was just wrong, I was on autopilot. I wanted to sleep and lay, not doing anything with myself or my kids. And when I was doing stuff with them, I wasn’t with them I was more floating in my head and trying to figure out what was wrong with me, questioning every little thing I was doing, even to the point of questioning what I am looking at. Nothing was right, everything was wrong like my mind was trying to reject the life that I was living but the other part of me was trying to convenience myself that it was my life and I am ok.

You ever had an internal battle within yourself while doing your everyday duties as an adult, as a mother? It is torture.

I did have a friend to cry on but for some reason their words didn’t stick, sometimes it would make it worse. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea. I tried to dig deep but I couldn’t figure it out. Until one day, I woke, and I was ok, moving with life still being the full time parent. And I realized that its becoming on and off, I had my good days and I had my bad days. And when I sit back and think, maybe I was showing signs that this was going to happen before it happened. I was becoming real forgetful, very simple things, my moods was was up and down, sometimes I was happy, sometimes I was angry, when I say my emotions was everywhere, they was everywhere.

As a mom life can drive us crazy, and before we know it we are on the verge of being crippled by it. Maybe that is why self care is so important, not only for mothers but for everyone. I can honestly say, working, being a full time mom, chasing my dreams of being a content creator might have been just too much for me. I tried to fit self care in once a month, sometimes a missed a month, but maybe I need more then that.

I am not saying I am any better now, I am still going through my struggles with this but I am searching within myself to get myself back together. Things that I am trying.

  1. Working out: The last time something like this happened to me was when I was in college and I just remember working out every day for an hour a day until I found myself off autopilot.
  2. Meditation: According to my google research it has a lot of benefits within the mental illness category. It is relaxing however I have not practiced it long enough to see the benefits just yet.
  3. Vitamins: Right now I am taking, one a day women’s, B12, Biotin, and Omega-3 all have benefits when it comes to mental health as well.
  4. Prayer: If your religious or believe in a higher power, I definitely say it works. I might not feel like I could talk to anyone else but I know I can pray and he will hear my laughter and cries. He is an on-time God and I know he will be here for me when needed.

If your are going through a hard time menatlly and have not tried any of these I say give it try. We all will get through this together, a panadamic can do a lot to the mental, it is not just you, trust me.

Until Next Time..