How Can Moms Reduce Stress?

How Can Moms Reduce Stress?

How can moms reduce stress has been a question that I found myself googling plenty of times. Not only since quarantine happened but since becoming a full time working parent, to a full time stay at home parent. Seemed like my kids was always driving me up a wall with so much crying, each one wanted me all to themselves, never wanting to play with each other. I could’ve sworn that’s why I had a second child, for skylar can have sister to play with and I get more me time. WRONG! I guess no sister can play like mommy! What can I say, I can play some serious make believe. If you haven’t seen my kids, I do have a youtube channel you can check out. Click the link below

However it does become a lot when you have to wear so many hats at once with no break in between. Can you imagine always being at work with no clock out time or lunch break? Its a real struggle. And although I haven’t found the magic key for not getting stress completely, I do have methods I use to get myself together sometimes.

  1. Deep Breaths: I know it might be cliche to some but it honestly works for me. When I feel myself about to be pushed over the edge because the girls are fighting over this one specific doll, even though they have five others. I STOP! Close my eyes and breath. I do it on repeat at least five times ( one for each doll. )
  2. Meditate: Its very hard to fit in meditation sometimes because my girls dont believe in mommy have time to herself. But when I do I take advantage of 20 minutes, find a meditation channel on youtube and just go with it. Now! To get full benefits from meditation you have to practice it more than once, it’s a skill. But a skill we’ll be grateful to have in the long run.
  3. And when both those methods fail I resort to my most favorite. SCREAM! Yes I said it, scream. Believe it or not it is a method that some therapist recommend. Obviously we are not screaming at our kids, but we are screaming into a pillow as loud as we can. The feelings afterwards is a feeling I can not explain, it is just something you have to do in order to figure it out.

Motherhood and stress goes hand and hand to me. It something that can not be perfected but nobody can do a better job than you when it comes to handling it. Do you have different methods when it comes to handling stress in motherhood? Let me know in the comments.

Until Next Time..