Homeschooling During Corona virus

Homeschooling During Corona virus

Homeschooling during the corona virus is a whole new ball field for most of us parents, I know when it comes to me I never thought I would be homeschooling my kids especially during a pandemic. It has left most of uneasy, lost, not knowing where to start and of course pressure. Us as parents have so much pressure on us because now, in a tremendous way it is on to make sure our kids know everything they need to know to pass to the next grade level. Parents are natural teachers within the home, we teach our children basic life skills but now corona has pushed us into unfamiliar territory. I haven’t been in school for some time now so it is definitely new to me to be an actual, all around teacher. However, I have found ways to make the process easier for both you and your children. Keeping learning fun, taking their mind off of not having friends, and coping with this situation best as possible.


Lets start with teaching ! Making sure kids know everything they need to is important ! So of course joining homeschooling groups are important, Pinterest, as well as Instagram are great resources to find out what your child should know and ways to install it in them. Great games that I have help my daughters are

  • Sight Word goldfish! My 6 year old loves this game. You and your child both have sight words your hand and you ask each other if they have a certain word. Just like goldfish! This teaches your child how to recognize the word and actually learn it rather than memorizing it.
  • Hide and Seek the number! When it comes to math my 6 year old loves it ! way more then reading. So what I would do is hide the answer to the math problems around the house on sticky notes. And she have to find them all and stick them next to the math problem that I have written on my long peace of white paper ( this is the link to the paper) Or I would switch it around and only have the answer to the math problem and she have to go seek the two numbers that add up to the answer. Very fun and a little exercise as well.
  • Book of the week: We read a book the whole week and enjoy the movies on Saturday. Make sure to choose a book you know have a movie or a movie similar to the book. It keeps the kids interested.

Making learning fun during this hard time is the goal. Kids do not have their friends, some can not even so most of their family members! Learning is probobly the last thing on their minds. So making sure it is fun and they do not fall behind is crucial to the little ones right now.

Until Next Time..