Cerclage Pregnancy

Cerclage Pregnancy

Never heard of it until it happened to me and it was definitely a surprise. You would think after having two kids before that, nothing can really do that but boy was I wrong. Let me start from the beginning.

A Cerclage pregnancy means you have an incompetent cervix (I hate that word, incompetent.) That basically means you have a weak cervix and causes you to go into preterm labor, which can cause you to loose a healthy baby. This is something that almost happened to me, I was having contractions at 18 weeks but did not recognize it. Went in for a regular exam and thankfully the ultrasound tech caught it just in time!

The hardiest part about going through this whole process, especially for the first time, was going through it during COVID which means that having friends and family come visit you is not an option at this time. I go in depth about this on my youtube channel

Going through that whole process is hard, which is why it’s good to have a support system, join support groups on Facebook, and know it is more common then you think! The success rate when you have the cerclage put in is higher than you would imagine (85/90%)

I Like the odds.